Thursday, November 18, 2021

Blogger #28 Joshua Trogan Period 5 11/18/2021

 Aim- How can we, as students of literature, evaluate the value of Lord of the Flies through a dissection of themes and motifs. 

Do Now- Now that you’ve read the entire novel, what do you believe the major themes of the novel are? Why?

Some of the major themes of the novel is that man is inherently evil when stripped of the institutions that allow for just punishment. This is because the children can act however they want with little to no consequences because they won’t face any punishment. The children then proceed to show how evil they really are on an island where they’re aren’t any consequences to one’s actions. 

Literary Theme Part 1: Definition - YouTubeTheme-  A broad idea, message, or lesson that is conveyed by a work. The message may be about life, society, or human nature. Themes often explore timeless and universal ideas and may be implied rather than stated explicitly.

Motif-  In narrative, a motif is any recurring element that has symbolic significance in a story. Through its repetition, a motif can help produce other narrative (or literary) aspects such as theme or mood. A narrative motif can be created through the use of imagery, structural components, language, and other narrative elements.

How to tell if it’s a theme or a Motif:

What's the Difference between a Motif, a Theme, and a Symbol - PenlightenA theme is timeless and universal; you can find the same theme in many works of literature, such as “power leads to corruption.”

A motif is specific to one work. For example, the repetition of the “conch” symbol makes it a motif for order within Lord of the Flies, but looking for a “conch” in other works of literature would not make sense. “Not all symbols are motifs! They are only motifs if it is repeated throughout the work” 

Dues ex Machina- 

A plot device where a seemingly unsolvable problem is abruptly and suddenly resolved by the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or object. Depending upon how it is done it can be intended to move the story forward when the writer has “painted himself into a corner” and sees no other way out, to surprise the audience, to bring the tale to a happy ending, or as a comic device. 

Group Work:Which is a theme, which is a motif? Why?

Explain the theme or symbol. Is the symbol a motif?

  • Loss of Innocence- theme because it can occur in other works of literature 

  • Piggy’s Glasses- motif because it is specific to Lord of the Flies and it appears multiple times throughout the novel

  • Negative Consequences of War- theme because it can occur in other works of literature 

  • Civilization vs Savagery- theme because it can occur in other works of literature

  • The Pig- motif because it is specific to this novel and the Pig repeats multiple times 

  • The Beast- motif because it is specific to this novel and the Beast is repeated multiple times throughout the novel

  • Individuality vs Conformity- theme because it is timeless and universal 


Originally the “conch” brought the boys together. It symbolized the keeper of the rules, law and order, and civilization. What do you think happened to this belief after Piggy was hit by the rock? 

Piggy's death scene (Lord of The Flies 1990) - YouTube

Quick Summary

  1. What is a theme? What is a motif?

A theme is an idea that is conveyed by a work of literature that can also extend to other works of literature. However, a motif is a recurring idea in a work of literature that cannot be extended to other works of literature.

  1. Why is it necessary to evaluate these elements in literature?

It is necessary to evaluate these elements in literature because it is important to understand the underlying message or idea that an author is trying to convey in a work of literature and it is crucial to analyze motifs and recurring symbols to try to connect different aspects of a novel to our own lives.

  1. What are the major differences between theme and motif?

A theme is universal and can be applied to various works of literature. Comparatively, a motif is simply a recurring symbol in a novel that is specific to that novel. 

  1. Are all symbols motifs? Why or why not?

Not all symbols are motifs because a symbol must appear multiple times throughout a work of literature in order to be considered a motif

Mrs. Peterson then started discussing the Lord of the Flies final exam. She told us not to worry and that as long as we read the book, we would do well. Mrs Peterson also advised us to use a note-taking strategy in which notes are divided into three separate columns. One column is for 

things that we understand, the second column is for things that we somewhat understand but need reinforcement, and the third column is for things that we do not understand at all. We also learned that the test has fifty multiple choice questions. Seven to eight questions are true or false questions, there is a characterization section and there is a section where we have to match quotes to the character that said them. 

My Reflection

In class today, I learned the difference between a theme, a motif, and a symbol. I learned the difference between a theme, a motif, and a symbol to better understand works of literature. It also allows us to use symbols and motifs to better understand the themes in a story. These are all various elements that form the deeper meaning of a work of literature which is why it is crucial to understand how these literary elements can be used. I will use what I learned by analyzing different works of literature and I will be able to identify the various literary elements in a work of literature better. Hopefully, what I learned in class today will allow me to identify and understand the deeper meaning of a work of literature which will enable me to apply various themes of novels into my own life to make me a better person. 

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