Thursday, November 4, 2021

Blogger #21 - Evan Lu - Period 8 - 11/4/21

 Sophomores 2022

Aim: How does William Golding formulate the island into a microcosm of WWII through allegory?

Do Now: Pair Share- Think about the structure of the school. You have a principal, assistant principals, teachers, paras, school aides, students and other staff. Within each group, there are other organizations, such as the Student Council. If you were to compare the school structure to the structure of government, how does it equate?

Class Discussion:

Starting off the class, we shared and discussed with our groups how the school structure compares with the government system. Our group said that the school structure is similar to the government system because everyone has their own roles and responsibilities in both the government and school structures. John said its very similar because you can compare the roles in the school with the government and in school we have our own little government, Eliza said we elect government officials while we don't elect teachers and its entertainer ship, Rachel said it is not similar because there are 3 branches with balance while in school there is no balance and teachers are in total control.

We then started spirit reading about Microcosm and Allegory, Eliza read the definition of Microcosm and then Ethan read the definition of Allegory. After that, we had a whole class discussion about what we knew about World War II. Our group said that 

Germany was down, so they blamed Jewish people for their bad economy and losses. 

Elizabeth explained roughly what happened during World War II. Gabriel said there was a lot of suffering and explained how people suffered in World War II. Christopher explained what happened after World War I and how it affected Germany. Ethan started spirit reading about World War II.

Then we did Group Work where our group discussed the irony of Lord of the Flies and how they were flying out of Britain to escape a war but they landed into a deserted island with no rules and the Island is basically another war because there were no rules and fighting for power. Ethan said they are trying to escape the war, but start forming another war on the island where they are supposed to be safe. Nikita said Piggy was like Franklin Roosevelt, Jerry said Ralph represents the United States, Eric said Piggy was like Churchill and John said Jack was like Hitler.

Project Discussion

Lastly we discussed the Lord of the Flies Island project and started formulating ideas with our groups.


Today I learned about how Lord of the Flies was a microcosm of World War II. In Lord of the Flies (LOTF) there are boys trying to escape a war but they get stranded. They start their own government and at first it works and people follow rules, then things start getting ugly and there is a lot of violence and savagery opposed to civilization and rules. The island is basically a war with one side being for civilization and rules while the other is against rules and civilization and are supportive of violence and savagery. We discussed and compared as a class how LOTF was a microcosm of World War II. I learned it because it is kind of important how people have to be more civilized and not just have chaos and savagery and that there should always be rules that are to be followed and there should be consequences to not following or breaking the rules. I will use what I learned to try to follow all rules and realize the consequences in everyday life. The lesson was overall helpful and taught me how people can be ironic and escape a war but basically start a new war on an island with no rules.

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