Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Blogger #24 - Evan Qiu - Period 3 - 11/16/2021

Aim: How does the symbolism depicted in Lord of the Flies contribute to Golding's comment on the human condition?


Do Now: Group Work - discuss the events in chapter 9 and what they mean. For the beginning of our lesson we did group work to discuss the events of chapter 9, students are asked to recall the events of chapter 9 as well as collaborating to form an idea of what the events that took place mean. Students are to discuss the actions and symbolisms displayed throughout the chapter. This activity introduces the main lesson, this being how symbolism is used in the story and what they mean.

In my group Ryan stated that Simon dies in chapter 9, the boys are beginning to forget their morals because they brutally murder Simon, this is their beginning to their descent to madness. I said that they killed Simon because he was one of the two voices of reason, those two being Piggy and Simon. Andy said Simon was trying to inform the group that he discovered the real identity of the beast who is the dead parachute guy. Group 6 said that it was ironic , god devil metaphor now god is dead, the goodness is dead and it has returned back to nature. Satanic figure taking over. Group 5 stated that symbolism shows a change in emotion, shows the voice of god saying that basically that resistance is temptation, lots of foreshadowing clouds, rain, how it rains again, booming thunder. Josh said that another sort of symbolism since they killed Simon they killed rationality in the group, might foreshadow going after Piggy, the last voice of reason this is showing a decline in sanity. Sean said that this completes the full circle of being humans to becoming neatherdalic first started slow in previous chapters and quickened the final downfall was killing Simon and performing a ritual dancing and singing. Group 2 stated the truth dies with Simon, doesn’t know what the beast really was because Simon was killed. Group 1 said a better example of literary device is the moonlit water. Symbolism fully represents their descent to Savagery. Simon is the only one that represents society and without him they go insane, the boys are fully immersed in the ritual so much so they tear Simon apart. Encompasses the main theme of the story, how evil and how hard it is to be good. Jack is gonna use this to gain advantage to gain power. Edwin said going back to our lesson about WW2 Jack is similar to Hitler, he’s targeting people that defy him. Ms. Peterson then gave us an insightful quote “United we stand divided we fall”.

Pair-Share: Identify each object and what it means to the general American public.

For this activity students were shown 3 symbols, the American flag, the Swastika, and the Yin and Yang symbol. Students were asked to discuss the American public’s opinion on these 3 symbols.

My group said that the American flag represented freedom and national pride, the Swastika represents genocide, WW2, a dark period, hitler, and nazi’s. The Yin and Yang represents equilibrium and balance.

Group 5 said that the American flag means freedom, liberty, and human rights, the Swastika meant evil, and the Yin and Yang represented that there is good in evil, and balance. Ms. Peterson then asked what would you think if the perspective was flipped? Group 5 stated that the American flag might mean imperialism to someone who was conquered by America. Kenneth said people might see the flag in war and think of it as an aggressive symbol. Group 6 stated that the American flag might be similar to the Swastika to others. Group 5 said that the Swastika is evil, and that actual Nazi’s didn’t really treat what they did seriously it was more like a job to them. The Swastika was also a symbol of peace before Hitler took it and turned it into a staple of chaos.

Literary Device: Symbolism

Symbolism: The conscious and artful use of symbols, objects, actions, or CHARACTERS meant to be taken both literally and as a representative of some higher, more complex and abstract significance that lies beyond ordinary meaning. For example, symbolism is at work when the word rose is used not only to signify the flower itself, but also to suggest beauty, love or purity, abstractions that rose represents symbolically.

Read Aloud: Chapter 9 - end (pgs 152-154) For this assignment we are looking for symbolism shown throughout the story.

During the group discussion about these pages from chapter 9 group 6 stated that the boys succumbed to mob mentality. On the last page they were describing the scene where Simon is brought out to see, and he could be compared to a “Christ” like figure which is the death of reason. Simon finds out what the beast was, but before he could reveal the identity he is brutally murdered. Group 6 also stated that these events can be compared to the biblical meaning of without Jesus there isn’t anyone to guide you, you’ll have to choose the right path despite the Devil’s temptations.

WHOLE GROUP DISCUSSION: How is symbolism used in chapter 9? How does it apply to the human condition?

An example of this are Piggy’s glasses, along with helping him see physically, it also metaphorically represented how he was able to see the chaos of the group when no one else could. It was also stated that Ralph,who was the symbol of society, quickly descended into savagery. This shows the deep selfishness of human nature. Although Jack, who is representing savagery and dictatorship, instantly embraced the chaos it didn’t take long for Ralph to succumb to the temptations and also become savage.


Today’s lesson reminded me of the infinite amount of information that can be drawn using symbols. Through group discussions and sharing of different perspectives I was able to learn how many different ideas could be uncovered between people. Within the story, I couldn’t see the full picture that was described, only after we discussed symbols throughout the story I was able to see the full scale of the story.

I learned to look for different symbols throughout the story, as well as to question what everything means. The use of this lesson is to help us understand and view the story in a different light through the observation of symbols.

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