Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Blogger #23 - Mohammed Rahman - Period 8 - 11/9/2021

 Aim: How does William Golding draw on human nature and the bible to create complex themes as depicted in Chapter 8 of Lord Of the Files

Do Now: We were asked to analyze 2 images on the board.

The first Image was the silhouettes of the boys from the island covered in red splotches contrasted behind a white background. The images represent how the boys chose violence and death through the colors red and black instead of the pure white shown in the background.

The picture given in class.

The second image is an image of a devil figure walking with a man right next to him. The image is supposed to represent the devil and god. The devil and god aren’t fighting but they are walking together and they show that everyone has a god and devil in them. The devil is temptation while god represents the suppression of falling into this temptation.

The idea of a devil and god in you is sometimes represented with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other side.

Independent Response Then Share

  • What is The Literal Beast?

    • The beast was an idea in the boy that they needed to fall into their primal urges and hunt and kill as it was a method to find control in their lives.

  • What does Simon know of The Beast?

    • Simon realizes that the beast is not a physical object or thing but instead something in all the boys.

  • Explain the Bridge between Simon’s knowledge of the beast and the way Jack and the hunters treated the pig?

    • What we discussed was that the way Jack and the boy treated the pig was similar to how a beast would treat a human, harming, murdering, and mutilating it.

  • We know the boys are falling into Savagery but what level of savagery are they in?

One person said that the boy are just starting to falling in as the murder of the pig and the cult like behavior was a recent development. While someone else opposed and said that Jack and the boys have been murdering pigs which show a descent into savagery but with the mutilation and description how they’re murdering these pigs it’s even worse than a few chapters ago.

An image of the mutilated pig head on a stick.

Pages 193-195 Analysis

In class we read pages 193-195. The pages describe a scene where all the boys are hunting for a pig. In descriptive detail it talks about the murder, stabing, and mutaltion of this mother pig as it tried to protect its pigglet. The class discussed this scene shows the boys' urges to fall into their primal urges as it’s a way of feeling like you have control and power in your life.

Student Reflection

Today the class realized that authors can use biblical ideas to symbolize ideas in their novels. The usage of biblical ideas is an important idea to understand as the bible is a source that has inspired many people and therefore led to a lot of books and movies inspired by the bible. This will allow us to recognize the usage of bible ideas and themes and analyze text at a deeper level.

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