Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Blog #25 - Guseyn Zarbaliyev - Period 1 - 4/28/2020

Guseyn Zarbaliyev
Period 1
Blog #25

Aim: How does Odysseus' strategic leadership further characterize him as an epic hero in "The Sirens"
episode of Homer's Odyssey?

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
In New York City alone, 163k Cases with 31k recoveries and 17k deaths. Some people are revolting about the lockdown and saying the government is lying about the virus. However, with the virus itself there are no major updates. CDC does not know the exact number of COVID-19 illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths for a variety of reasons. COVID-19 can cause mild illness, symptoms might not appear immediately, there are delays in reporting and testing, not everyone who is infected gets tested or seeks medical care, and there may be differences in how states and territories confirm numbers in their jurisdictions.

Thoughts on work and studying?
Overall it's fine. Some classes give too much work but it's all right. However, in English Class is annoying
since we are reading the Odyssey and the Odyssey is really annoying since it is really uninteresting.

What happened in the lesson?
Today we learned about Odysseus and the Sirens. Sirens were dangerous creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and singing voices to shipwreck on the rocky cost of their island. Sirens are often depicted as half-bird/half-woman (They have also been used in many modern examples as mermaid type creatures).

Here is a video explaining Sirens -

Additionally, we continued as we have been doing reading the Odyssey and responding to it with our
groups. Continuing the story, Odysseus and his crew passed on their home voyage to Ithaca following
the Trojan War. The great Greek hero was already renowned for his quick wits and planning and he
proved to be a much more difficult catch than the Sirens' usual victims. Advised by Circe, the hero
had himself tied to his ship's mast so that he could hear the Sirens' beautiful song and not be tempted
to land while the rest of his crew were made immune by blocking their ears with wax and so they
all safely sail on out of harm's way.

Today I learned more about Greek mythology and continued the Odyssey. However, when I normally
dislike reading the Odyssey, the Sirens are one of my favorite mythological creatures. Due to this I
actually enjoy reading the Odyssey.

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