Thursday, April 23, 2020

Blog #20- Max Machadov- Period 2- 4/21/20

Aim: How does Chapter 7 of Animal Farm portray the psychology of memory and authority?

Thoughts regarding the reading:

Chapter 7 is a very interesting part of Animal Farm where we first start to see the pigs modify the rules of the farm. The pigs take advantage of the poor memories of the animals to bend the rules to their liking.

What it’s like working from home:

Working from home is much better than going to school for most classes. The only part I miss is being able to sit with friends at lunch.

My personal feeling towards the current situation:

I am anxious for this situation to blow over but I am worried about how long it may take and the consequences of reopening too early.

Student Reflection

I learnt that regular people can do horrible things when pressured to by authority as demonstrated by the Milgram Shock Experiment. I also learned that the memories of people are often flawed and can’t always be trusted. I learned this as an explanation to the events in Animal Farm as the animals are pressured to say horrible things under the pressure of authority and do not realize that the rules have been painted over. I will use the information I learned to be cautious towards figures of large authority and doubt my own memories when trying to remember events from a long time ago.

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