Friday, April 24, 2020

Blog #19 - Daniel Shoshin - Period 1 - 4/23/20

Blog #19, Daniel Shoshin, Period 1, 4/23/20

Mini Aim/Lesson: How can foundational knowledge of The Odyssey, Books I-VIII enhance our experience for the remaining work?

Working from home has its advantages and challenges. It is much nicer to be able to do work whenever I want and not being forced to when I feel tired. However, I feel like I am not learning as much as I would be in the classroom. It is also much less interactive since group activities are much harder to organize.

I am learning that the most of the world is pretty unified and grateful of the medical professionals that are doing the work of heroes saving others. But I also noticed that some groups of people are very stubborn and selfish and want the quarantine to end for their own selfish needs.

My own personal feelings about what is happening right is that it is very frightening and scary but I hope that the world can power through this difficult time and prosper after this is all over. I hope not too many families are affected by this and I hope everything can return back to its normal function soon.

Reflection: Today I learned about tragic flaws, specifically hubris, and how they are used in Greek mythology. We also learned about epithets and how they are used by Homer in The Odyssey. I learned this so I could have a deeper understanding of The Odyssey and what Homer was trying to tell in his story. I will use this during my reading to get a better understanding of the characters and their story.

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