Monday, April 27, 2020

Blog #24 - Johnson Wang - Period 1- 4/27/2020

Blog #24, Johnson Wang, Period 1, 4/27/2020
Freshman 2020

Aim​: How does the episode of "The Land of the Dead" further our understanding of Odysseus as the epic hero?

What is it like working from home?
Working from home is a lot more convenient than working at school. At home I can concentrate more and work at my own pace rather than rushing through everything. However, at home I don’t really move a lot so I miss the gym classes that I take in school.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now
I am really depressed with what is happening now. People are dying everywhere and I can’t even go out. I just hope everything gets resolved soon.

What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?
I learned that people take advantage of you at a point of crisis. The meat that was once a few bucks rose up to more than ten or twenty bucks.

I learned that the Greeks wanted to bury someone properly so preserve human dignity. Also, there are people out there that believe in after-life. I’m pretty sure we learned what we learned to ensure our knowledge of the Underworld and the dead. I’ll use this to keep myself motivated and live my life to the fullest.

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