Thursday, April 23, 2020

Blog #23- Gerald Mitchell- PD 2- 4/23/2020

4/23/20                                   Jerry Mitchell.     Blog 23

Aim: How does Orwell criticize society through Boxer and Benjamin. 

The one with the chick that says “Break up with this hot chick, Stop eating meat go vegan” is using comedy to persuade the audience. It is a light hearted advertisement to help with a belief. This is by PETA and their perspective is biased of course, and doesn’t use facts but tries to use emotion. It uses pathos.

The picture that says “Do your part for the war, Register for Facebook today”, is also silly and is using the serious and honorable connotations of war, to get people to register for Facebook. Because Facebook is being compared to war, would make it seem desirable. It uses pathos.

The soda advertisement tries to convince people to stop drinking sodas because they are bad for you. It has a bias against soda, as it is the NYC department of health, even though people like them. It uses logos because it states that soda is unhealthy and it is illogical to drink it.

Daniel made a good point that the vegan commercials make the animals look innocent to bring out emotion.

A tragic hero is a person who is morally right but is doomed to fail because they have some flaw. A tragic hero has the potential for greatness but is doomed to fail. A tragic hero usually loses but evokes pity from the reader.

Aspects of a story with a tragic hero
Hamartia – a tragic flaw that causes the downfall of a hero.
Hubris – excessive pride and disrespect for the natural order of things.
Peripeteia – The reversal of fate that the hero experiences.
Anagnorisis – a moment in time when hero makes an important discovery in the story. AKA: “Oh Crap Moment”
Nemesis – a punishment that the protagonist cannot avoid, usually occurring as a result of his hubris.
Catharsis – feelings of pity and fear felt by the audience, for the inevitable downfall of the hero.

For all tragic heroes, the audience is affected by pity or fear(catharsis)

The purpose of a story with a tragic hero is to give wisdom to the audience to avoid things like the hero’s tragic flaw to avoid a fate that the tragic hero experiences.

The video that we watched makes a great point that in modern society, we don’t look much past losers and winners and this takes away from compassion and understanding people’s’ tragic stories.

What it is like to work at home

Surprisingly I find it more difficult to work at home, it is a bad excuse, but I find myself getting distracted easier with things like the tv, the Xbox, YouTube, etc. I am also asked to do things around the house and this only really is a bother when I have been procrastinating and I am rushing to get work done. Overall, the workload is similar, but managing it is more difficult. I miss being able to see my friends and being able to leave the house in general, but staying home is for the better and I am glad that we are still being educated.

What I have learned about my world/community

I have learned that most people are willing to do the right thing for their safety and their family’s safety. I have also learned that most people in essential jobs are willing to put themselves at risk to service others and put food on their family’s table. Respect. 

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