Monday, April 20, 2020

Blog #13- Jason Jiang- Period 2- 3/5/2020

Sophomore 2020 Blog
Thursday, March 5, 2020 
Jason Jiang
Period 2

Aim: How does knowledge of the attributes of the novel lead to the creation of an original fable project with visual and oral representations?

Do Now: Why do you believe students often become fearful when projects/presentations are assigned ? 
- Students often become fearful when projects and presentations are assigned because students usually leave their projects until the last few days to do the projects 
- Students procrastinate 
- Students have to focus on their projects along with daily everyday work such as homework, tests, and mini works.  
Allegory is 
- A form of extended metaphor 
- A story with two meanings a literally mean and figurative meaning 
Animal Farm as an Allegory 
- Animal Farm = History of Russia from 1918 - 1943
- Animalistic = Communism 
- Character Figures = Russian Historical

We then progressed to doing this…
Recognizing Fables 
- Maker space only available to us for two days 
- Go up to Maker Space with a plan and Be prepared
- Be mindful and be caution in Maker space 
- Keep track of time 
Provided an extensive moral list that will help us figure out to use in the assignment.

Reflection: I learned that a fable is more than simply a tale told on and on during time. A fable consists of many attributes such as mystical characters, morals, and much more. Also, Animal Farm is an allegory because it is a passage that portrays a metaphorical meaning. 

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