Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Blog #22 Charlotte Seid Period 3 Sophmores 2020


Aim: How does Orwell criticize society through Boxer and Benjamin?

Do Now:

  1. Agree/Disagree: “I can trust those in positions of authority to make decisions that are in my best interest.”
I agree and disagree based on the situation and who the authority figure is. 

  1. If you had knowledge about a situation that could help someone else would you tell them, even though you might get in trouble? Explain
It depends on the “degree” of trouble and the person I am helping. The amount of trouble I can get will determine the willingness to get in trouble for someone. It also depends on the person I’m helping, like if my brother was in trouble I will be more likely to get in trouble for him instead of a stranger.

Analyze and choose two images to both discuss and write about with your partner. Consider and identify the following: the audience, the bias, the message, the perspective, and the persuasive technique (Aristotle’s) being.

The audience is non-vegans, people who eat meat.
The bias is towards the animals and the people who are vegan.
The message is that people should be vegan to “save” these animals.
The perspective is from Peta, an animals rights organization and that people should stop eating meat because they are killing animals.
The persuasive technique is pathos because it evokes emotions from the reader to the animal.
The audience is non-vegans, people who eat meat.
The bias is towards the animals and the people who are vegan
The message is that people should be vegan to “save” these animals.
The perspective is from Peta, an animals rights organization and that people should stop eating meat because they are killing animals.
The persuasive technique is pathos because it evokes emotions from the reader to the animal.

When we had finished the partner/class work, we started to discuss what a tragic hero was and the different characteristics a tragic hero might have. We discussed the purpose of tragedy and why it is important during these times full of quick judgements.

Hamartia – a tragic flaw that causes the downfall of a hero.
Hubris – excessive pride and disrespect for the natural order of things.
Peripeteia – The reversal of fate that the hero experiences.
Anagnorisis – a moment in time when the hero makes an important discovery in the story. AKA: “Oh Crap Moment”
Nemesis – a punishment that the protagonist cannot avoid, usually occurring as a result of his
Catharsis – feelings of pity and fear felt by the audience, for the inevitable downfall of the protagonist.

We then had to ask ourselves whether Boxer is a tragic hero and why. 

Blog Content
    The reading for this lesson is actually sad because you can see that Boxer is taken advantage of by the pigs and then just getting sold to horse slaughters for some more money. He works very hard for the farm itself and then is just thrown out. Also the animals that are said to go against the pigs and the farm itself seems like they just want to escape from the farm and the only way to do that is to turn themselves in and get killed.
Working from home can get a bit stressful as I tend to procrastinate a lot and push back assignments till the day before they are due. But overall it is nice not to wake up early to go to school, it now only takes 5 minutes to get ready for school and can eat during classes.
    Personally the virus doesn’t seem real. Being stuck at home really has only brought news from the internet about people who are trying their best during this virus or perhaps protesting against it. The internet has brought to light the goodness in people as they sing together from their homes but also the selfishness people can have when protesting this lockdown.

What I learned from this lesson is what a tragic hero is and what their role in stories is. We learn this to understand that we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Although people may do the wrong thing doesn’t mean that they deserve an instant shutdown from their peers. This helps  us not to make quick judgements of people, in person and online.

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