Thursday, April 30, 2020

Blog #21 - Jian Hong Su - Period 1 - 4/23/2020

Blog #21, Jian Hong Su, Period 1, 4/23/20
Freshman, 2020

Aim: How can foundational knowledge of The Odyssey, Books I-VIII enhance our experience
for the remaining work?

Working from home has been rather comfortable, seeing as I can work on an assignment for
an extended period of time. This allowed me to work on my time management. Additionally, if
I ever  needed a break, I could easily grab a bite or a  drink and then continue to work on whatever 
I was working on earlier. However, there are times when I have gotten a bit lazy and neglected 
my work for hours, thus creating a problem with my sleep schedule. Also, not being in an actual
classroom environment has affected how much I am learning through the lessons,
and the lack of interaction with my fellow classmates is detrimental.

Some of my personal feelings about quarantine is that this period of time has been surprisingly
quiet. Though the world is in chaos at the moment, my life at home has been peaceful. Though a
part of me is satisfied with this lifestyle, there is a part that also wished to go back to the regular
school year so that I can meet all my friends again. 

During this time, I have learned that there are a lot of racist and selfish people in this world.
Due to the fact that the virus came from a part of China, many Americans have been resorting
to violence and treating Asians like they are the main cause of the virus. Additionally, there are
people who hoard many resources in huge amounts all to themselves, and do not think of others
who might be in need of those very resources.

Reflection: For today’s lesson, I learned about flaws and how they are utilized in Greek mythology.
Odysseus, a famous hero in Greek mythology, found that his tragic flaw was hubris. He was
excessively confident and prideful, and that led to his crew’s demise. I also learned about epithets
and how Homer uses them in The Odyssey. I can utilize this information to better understand other

stories and the hidden meanings behind the author’s words.

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