Thursday, April 23, 2020

Blog # 24 Michael Tarkovsky Sophomores 2020 Period 3 4/24/20

Blog #24        Michael Tarkovsky    Period 3        4/24/20

Aim: How does Orwell criticize society through Boxer and Benjamin?

Do Now:
  1. Agree/Disagree: “I can trust those in positions of authority to make decisions that are in my best interest.”

I disagree with this statement in its absolute form because it depends on a variety of factors. Firstly, it is important to consider if those in positions of authority have been fairly selected by the people, and therefore represent our interests. It also depends on how much I trust them and how well I know their intentions. If the above criteria are met, it is reasonable to expect that we entrust important decisions with such authorities.

  1. If you had knowledge about a situation that could help someone else would you tell them, even though you might get in trouble?  Explain

I would indeed provide knowledge that could be helpful to someone even if it would hurt me. Sometimes situations arise in which one has to make tough choices that could make a difference for others. It is both morally and ethically necessary to make such choices.

Analyze and choose two images to both discuss and write about with your partner. Consider and identify the following: the audience, the bias, the message, the perspective, and the persuasive technique (Aristotle’s) being implemented.

  • The first image I chose was the coronavirus one. The image uses pathos (emotional appeal) and fear in order to emphasize the seriousness of the subject matter. By using a comparison to war, the image evokes  a strong emotional reaction combined with a compelling call to action. 

  • The second image I chose was the data chart that shows Facebook having the most monthly users out of major social media programs. This ad uses the “bandwagon” technique to suggest that since a majority of people already use facebook, others should follow the trend.

After the class discussion, students looked at the definition and characteristics of a tragic hero.

  • Aristotle's definition of a tragic hero is “a person who must evoke a sense of pity and fear in the audience. He is considered a man of misfortune that comes to him through error of judgment.”

Students were also shown a video detailing the definition of a tragic hero with examples bringing it to life. 

Team Work:
Directions: Based on your understanding of the term "tragic hero," work with your TEAM to ascertain if "Boxer" fits the attributes of a "tragic hero." Use the attribute web below, coupled with the notes on, "tragic hero," to complete the web.  Fill in the spaces with all of the elements you believe might support/negate that Boxer is the tragic hero, if possible.  Lastly, explain your TEAM’S rationale for your decision in the box provided.

  • My team believes that Boxer is indeed a tragic hero. His hardworking and loyal personality makes him one of the most respected animals on the farm. He is always pushing himself to work harder for the good of the farm. His tragic flaw was his inability to realize that Napoleon was not acting in the animals’ best interests and trusting him. Boxer’s downfall raises pity in the reader as he is betrayed by the animal he was most loyal to. Napoleon sends the helpless and overworked horse to his death as the other farm animals attempt to warn him.

  1. What is it like working from home?
Working from home is very different from a normal routine. There are both positives and negatives to it. On the positive side, the time that we spend on commuting can be used more efficiently. I often find myself with plenty of free time despite being able to complete all of the homework. My daily routine goes as follows: I wake up at around 7:30 and get ready for the day. At 8, I begin my classwork and await the first remote class which starts at 9. I work until around 4 every day and have the rest of the day to myself. During this time, I enjoy watching TV shows and playing video games.
  1. What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
Currently, we are hearing different news coming from various corners of the world. There is definitely a group of countries, primarily in Asia, that are coming out of the coronavirus pandemic. For example, in China, things are somewhat back to normal with schools and offices open. At the same time people there continue to behave very cautiously, wearing masks and watching out for signs of a second wave of infection. Europe, on the other hand, seems to still be going through a significant health care crisis. While the number of infections have been declining, there is still a tremendous concern about the population impacted by the disease. Different countries use different strategies to fight the virus. Most have completely shut down their cities and all travel while others, like Sweden, have chosen to remain open. Time will tell which strategy will work best.

  1. Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.

There is no doubt that none of us ever anticipated going through the craziness that we are experiencing now. If I were told back in September that we would be spending the last months of school indoors with all tests being canceled, I would have never believed it. However, this has been our very reality for the past several weeks. It has been incredibly sad to see the suffering that so many have been going through with death and disease surrounding us. It also has been frightening to see how people, particularly older ones, can be affected by the disease. From my mom, who is a doctor, I have heard first hand about the terrible toll that this disease has taken on our very own communities. At the same time, it has been encouraging to hear so many stories of heroism and courage that so many first responders and medical personnel have exhibited. 
  1. What did I learn?
Today, I learned how to identify and describe a tragic hero. I also was able to connect it to the book “Animal Farm” and identify a tragic hero in the novel. I learned the characteristics of a tragic hero as defined by Aristotle and realized that tragic heroes appear in almost all books and movies that I have seen.
  1. Why did I learn it?
The importance of today’s lesson is that tragic heroes play an essential role in literature as they serve to underscore the drama and understand an author’s key message. For instance, in “Animal Farm,” I identified Boxer as the tragic hero who I believe serves to represent a soldier of the revolution just following orders and working for what they think is the good of the people, but eventually fall to the system they helped to establish.
  1. How will I use what I learned?
This new knowledge will help me better identify tragic heroes in works of literature and film, understand their role in the plot, as well as their motivation.  Being able to identify a tragic hero is crucial to comprehending the author’s intent for their creation.

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