Thursday, April 23, 2020

Blog #22- Cody Tam- Period 1- 4/23/2020

Cody Tam                                                                                                                     
Freshmen Period 1

Aim: How does the episode of "The Land of the Dead" further our understanding of Odysseus
as the epic hero?

Today’s lesson was that of Greek culture and mythology relating to death. The lesson
describes that after death, the soul travels to the underworld. There the soul would be judged
and go to either Elysium, to enjoy a comfortable setting or Tartarus, where they would be
punished for what they did while they were alive. I learned that the Greeks had their own
burial system and how they showed respect for the dead. An example is the Greeks needed
to do their specific burial rituals or the dead would not reach the underworld, and it would be
trapped in between the underworld and the living. I learned of this lesson because it is necessary to complete the Odyssey and relates to the overall story of the Odyssey. I will use
this lesson to relate to the Odyssey more and use it to understand the events presented
in the story.
Regarding the lesson and reading, I thought it was extremely interesting that the
Greeks had a whole process to send their dead to the underworld safely. The process was
extremely important because if it was not conducted, the dead will be stuck between
the living and the underworld. Working from home has been an interesting experience.
It has definitely been a change from our previous lifestyle, working from a computer,
instead of going to school. Teachers assign through online classes and either have
videos that help students learn or do calls with the students. The change has been new
but a welcome one, it lifts stress off students shoulders and has a more appropriate
work time. Updates from the world have not been the best. Evidence shows that the count
may be multiple times higher than the government says and there's evidence the virus
started spreading during January. Officials say no mass gatherings may happen until
2021, many events in the coming months have been canceled. Shows have been canceled,
and the economy is starting to fall because of the coronavirus. The bright side is that
humanity usually gets over all of these factors with time and proper precautions, there are
graphs that show the rate of hospitalization is slowing and countries like Vietnam are doing
very well in their preparation and execution of the virus.


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