Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Blogger #7, Hao Chen, Period 2, 2/26/2021, Day A

 Aim: How can the use of annotations aid in analyzing the figurative language, tone and conflict in “My Name,” by Sandra Ciseneros? 


For the do now today are are finding out the meaning behind our name 

To do that you just need to google what it is and answer the question



This is the link to the video on how to annotate. The purpose and techniques of it  

Some of the techniques are to circle unknown words. Use question marks on things that are uncertain. Use ! to indicate important or significant events, write notes on margins.  Circle character names when they first appear. Use a color code system to differentiate between different pieces of important information.


For the team discussion today we are discussing why our parents chose this name for us, read the my name story and answer. 1 How does Esperanza describe her name using figurative language? Refer to your annotations and cite some examples from the text.  

2 What is Esperanza revealing to us about her feelings about herself, her life and her dreams for the future through the discussion of her name? 

My name link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WQzjt1FWAXHJY0Xxr7xqNc0tYnzv1gZW/view

After that was writing a paragraph about our own name. 


I learn how to annotate and the meaning behind my name. 

I learn it so that annotate the my name text and other text after this 

I will use annotation on other texts to better understand it and get better at writing myself 


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