Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Blog #16, Ariana Huang, Period 2, 3/11/21, Day A

Staten Island Technical HS                                                                  Ms.Peterson
Ariana Huang                                                                                              Period 2

March 11th, 2021                                                                                            Day A

Freshman 2021

Aim: How can we define the literary value of poetry?

Do Now: Consider the prior experiences you’ve had when reading poetry (good or bad). 

  • What are some of the challenges you and/or others can experience while reading poetry?
  • Consider the following question:

What does poetry mean to you?

This is a beginning of a new unit. The class was given a do-now question to discuss their experiences about poetry and whether they liked it or not. There were multiple responses saying poetry would explain the meanings and that some of them did not like poems. People often believe that poems have to rhyme but they are not necessarily needed. There are poems called free verse- poetry without a fixed pattern of meter and rhyme. Ayah responded to the do now question with positivity, she had good experiences with poetry in the past. She describes poetry as fun to decipher the hidden meanings of the poem. The flow of poetry is nice as you should be able to write whatever comes to mind. However, Fiona agrees with Ayah on how poetry allows you to express yourself though she does not prefer poetry. Ms.Peterson shared that she hated poetry as a kid because it was frustrating to have to try and interpret what the author was thinking who is dead.


    The first youtube video is a TedEd video about what makes a poem a poem. Some recognizable characteristics of a poem that are mentioned in the video are the language’s musical qualities. They have condensed language and the author also talks about the artistic aspect of poetry. The second video the class watched together was about free verse poems. Free verse poetry is poetry without a fixed pattern of meter and rhyme. Free verse poetry has no rules when it comes to rhyming, a number of lines, syllable count, and figurative language. 


How can we define poetry? 

With your Teams, create a final definition of poetry. Using the table below, summarize how Whitman and Neruda define poetry along with how our class defines “poetry” according to today’s “Do Now.” Be sure to use textual examples in your summary! 



Today I learned about the opinions and ideas about poems from my classmates. The do now question allowed the class to think further about how poems could be seen as. We read different poems from different authors such as Whiteman and Neruda. The poems help guide and give the class an understanding of how poems are all different the meaning it holds. 


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