Sunday, March 14, 2021

Blogger #14 - Joy Li - Period 9 - 3/10/21 - Day C

 Aim​: ​How does a writer create effects through the ​connotations​ of words and images? 


Describe an event in your life that at first seemed like fun, yet after the incident concluded you were ashamed or disappointed with yourself. Why do you believe you felt that way?

During this discussion the teacher had us share stories of any moment in our life where we had done something we regretted after it was done. The class shared stories from their childhood and called on others who raised their hand to share their own stories. It was quite entertaining listening to all the dangerous experiences they’ve gone through. This “Do Now” was a way for us to look back at the story we had to annotate for our homework and to connect to the protagonist of the story, Lizabeth and how she also did something she soon felt ashamed about and disappointed in herself.


We played a little game of Kahoot (a competitive and educational app that’s great to help a student learn or reflect after a lesson) after the “Do Now” for the teacher to see if we actually did our homework and how much we understood till now. I’m quite disappointed that I didn’t do that great but there’s always room for improvement. In the end, Mei Qi won 3rd place, Mei won 2nd place and Ryan Wang won 1st place. Congratulations.


Team Collaboration

Juxtaposition​:​ the placement of two or more things side by side, often in order to bring out their differences.

Example: Imagine a man walking a well-groomed dog on a pink leash on one hand and a rough Rottweiler on a spiked collar on the other hand. The juxtaposition could be shocking, humorous, or just plain strange. Regardless, this literary term calls attention to two distinctly different things by placing them right beside one another, or ​juxtaposing​ them.

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