Thursday, March 11, 2021

Blogger #14 - Selina Jiang - Period 5 - 3/9/21 - Day B


 Jessica Colka volunteered first and said that one time she told her parents that she was just going to a friend’s house. What actually happened was that she went to the mall with her friend and without any adult supervision. Jessica felt awful about lying to her parents because they were only concerned about her safety.

 Mrs. Peterson decided to tell us about what she experienced. Her mom decided to leave her unsupervised when she was a little child and she caused a giant container of flour to fall on the ground, making a huge mess. Her mom and aunt came to clean it up. They made the same mistake again, she was unsupervised. Child Mrs. Peterson decided to paint her mom’s new piano with bright pink nail polish because it was pretty. The piano had the bright pink nail polish on it for years, reminding her of the incident.

We played kahoot, the questions were all about “Marigolds”. The top three people were Sora Sucich, Edwin Zhou and Amy Chen,


After playing kahoot, we were sent off to our breakout rooms to do the 6 questions provided to us.


The marigolds are so important to Miss lottie because they were the only valuable thing that she owned. The children hated the marigolds because it did not fit into the dusty and dirty surroundings. They were described as, “a dazzling strip of bright blossoms, clumped together in enormous mounds, warm and passionate and sun-golden.” The children didn’t like how beautiful the flowers were and wanted to get rid of them.

The internal conflict occurring is the loss of innocence. Lizabeth mentions how ashamed she was to think that it would be fun to destroy Miss Lottie’s marigolds in paragraph 34. By realizing what she did was wrong, she lost her innocence and became more mature. In paragraph 55, she starts to understand her family situation and how the family was poor which shows a sign of maturity.

The conversation between her parents made her feel angry and upset as she found about about the family situation. The consequence of her hearing the conversation is the destruction of Miss Lottie’s marigolds.

I can infer that she was overwhelmed by the conversation between her parents. She saw her father cry and with the beautiful marigolds visible in the dusty and ugly town, she felt the need to destroy the marigolds. Another possible reason could be that she just needed something to take her anger out on.

An example of juxtaposition is the first sentence of paragraph 57. The narrator used negative words such as “trampling and pulling” and “destroying” along with the positive connotation of marigolds. The marigolds were described as “ perfect yellow blooms”

The narrator is speaking both literally and figuratively in the last sentence of the story. Figuratively, the marigolds represent beauty in her life since she finally understood why Miss Lottie had planted marigolds. The narrator also literally planted marigolds to be a source of beauty in her life.

After we came back from our breakout rooms, we finished off the class by doing an individual activity with the following instructions:

The individual activity required us to connect all the things we talked about today. The aim was focusing on how a writer can use connotation of words and images to create a certain effect. 

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