Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Blogger #17-Zihan Lin-Period 9-3/15/2021- Day C

 Aim:How can we define the literary value of poetry?

Do Now:

What are some of the challenges you and/or others can experience while reading poetry?

What does poetry mean to you?

Everyone that shared their point of view had a point of view of disliking poetry. For myself I dislike poems too since when I read poems I think I know what the author is thinking but not fully know what the author is thinking. It just gave me a hard time with it. Poem to me is a way that the author express themselves but I just can’t understand it.

What makes a poem … a poem? - Melissa Kovacs [5:19

This link leads me to a video telling me what is a poem and gives me an understanding of a poem. 

Free Verse- poetry without a fixed pattern of meter and rhyme.

Free Verse Poetry [1:38]

This no is a video about what free verse poetry is about and what it is like. 

In our group we discussed different author’s point of view about poetry. For Neruda’s point of view is that poetry is a bit of everything. For Whitman, his point of view of poetry is what you think. 

In the class discussion, we discussed how our class feels poetry is to themselves. One of my classmates stated that poetry is what you feel and what you think. It is something that maybe only yourself can understand the best of the poem and what it means to yourself. 

Next, Ms.Peterson talked about our project that we will be starting to do. It is the poem anthology( a collection of literary works)project.She discusses how the project is going to be laid out. She also shows us the rubric of how to do the project and show us some examples of some other student’s work. In addition, she told us to be creative with this project since we can draw pictures to show our poems.

I learned that poems are not just a bunch of words that rhymes. It can be in any form. Also, poems are the writer's own feeling and maybe we don’t understand it much but the author of the poem will definitely know what they are writing about since the poem is about how they feel. 

I learned it because it made my point of view toward poems change. Since before I think that poems are just a few lines with rhymes. But now I know that it is what the author is feeling when writing the poem. Also, I learned it because poems might be seen in the future since maybe there's a lot more poems for me to read and discover. This lesson will be helpful for me to determine how poems are made and how to define poems.

I will use what I learn to define more poems. Also, now I can understand why I can’t sometimes understand what the author is talking about in a poem because it is from what they are thinking not me. In addition, I will use what I learned today to help me on the poem anthology project.

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