Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Blogger #23 - Ivan Petrenko - Period 1 - 3/19/2021 - Day A

Aim: How do poetic elements create a thematic effect over the course of a poem?
Do Now: BRAINSTORM! What comes to mind when you think of the word “identity”. Create a word web.

We took 3 minutes to fill out the word web where we brainstormed ideas. Some of the answers were name, personality, uniqueness, and family.

Next we defined poetic devices such as Cacophonous (meaning a horrible mixture of sounds), Euphonious ( meaning nice or soothing sounds), Rhythm (pattern of syllables), and Extended metaphor (a metaphor established over the course of a poem).

After defining poetic devices we moved on to theme. Theme is the meaning of a literary work. We watched a video to help us find the theme, and learned to “tackle” theme.

We then did some spirit reading of “Identity” by Julio Noboa Polanco. And, in breakout rooms, we determined the extended metaphor in “Identity”.

For Homework we did a TWIST analysis of “Identity” as a team, followed by an interpretative statement of the poem.

Reflection: In this lesson I started to appreciate poems a bit more, as before I hated them because I found them confusing, and started to actually understand them.

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