Thursday, September 30, 2021

Blogger #9 - Timothy Deng - Period 2 - 9/30/21

Aim: How can our knowledge and experience with poetry and poetic techniques ensure the successful creation of our Poem Anthology project?

Do Now: How do you usually feel when you learn you are being assigned a new project? Why?

Today’s lesson started with the question “How do you usually feel when you learn you are being assigned a new project? Why?” Most people had a common answer. They are usually excited, however, at the end of the project’s due date they usually end up procrastinating and having too much work. I can agree with them because usually when we get a project, we get a due date that is a long time. Eventually, you overestimate your time without realizing how long it would take combined with other classes, you end up being stressed and having a lot of work to do. 

After we did the do now, we were introduced to our Poem Anthology Project. It is our next project in English class that we will do on our own with a lot of rules to follow. There are also reminders to guide us through the project. There will be a rubric on google classroom and we will submit this project on a new thread. The due date is mid to late October, there is no exact date yet.

Poem Anthology Project: Your assignment is to create a poetry anthology with 3 original poems with at least one poem structured like an extended metaphor

Your anthology MUST INCLUDE:

  1. A Creative Cover, with Image(s), a Title, which clearly identifies your First and Last Name, period, TEAM NAME and Cycle Letter. NOTE: Cover pages DO NOT get page numbers and slides are not page numbers!

  2. A Table of contents,  clearly identifying each poem type and title and the page number where it can be found. [(1) Free Verse, (2) Extended Metaphor, and (3) Shakespearean SonnetNOTE: Cover pages DO NOT get page numbers and slides are not page numbers!

  3. An Introduction to the collection, explaining the basis for your poem choices.

  4. Your extended metaphor must be annotated. If you provide a clean version of your Extended Metaphor (meaning without annotations first)  and you choose to do the annotations separately, then make sure your annotations follow immediately on the next page. Highlight and Annotate some of your poetic choices just like we did in class, and explain the reason behind them. Note: Annotations SHOULD NOT be provided in the comments section! If using Google Slides, you can insert text boxes. If using Google Docs, you can insert your poem on one side into a table, and for the columns next to each line insert your annotations.

  5. All 3 original poems should include complementary visuals/images/drawings. NOTE: On your poem pages, you must have both the title and the poem type provided.

  6. Your last page must include a reflection that explains the experience of creating poetry along with a discussion of the style, language choices, and thematic intent of your poems at the conclusion of your anthology.


  • Don't forget you have your WordPool as inspiration (you don't have to use it, but don't forget about it).

  • Additionally, it is very helpful for you to: 1) open a blank Google Doc, 2) go back through each lesson and copy the main points from each lesson, as well as the links/videos, so 3) you can use this doc as a guide while you are constructing your own poetry.

  • Punctuation Assistance: I suggest reading your poems aloud, and when you stop, that's your body telling you it needs some form of punctuation.  It’s the equivalent of your body taking a breath, which is what punctuation actually is.

  • Project Assistance: Make sure to use font sizes, font and background colors that are acceptable for reading/grading. Keep in mind that projects are not graded in presentation mode, therefore, it remains the size as if you are constructing the document. Additionally, when choosing font and background colors be sure to choose contrasting colors.  In other words: Dark Background with light font OR Light Backgrounds with Dark Font, to maximize readability.

  • Project Tools: Rhymezone Find rhymes, synonyms, adjectives, and more!

In class we were shown a couple examples of the project. Each project had its own unique style.

Some Key Components For This Project:

  • Create three poems, each one is a different type of poem.

  • One poem should be in the form of an extended metaphor and annotated.

  • Be creative on how you present your poem.

  • You will need images or drawings for each poem.

  • You should have the poem title and poem type on each poem.

  • Your last page should be a reflection that discusses your experience creating the poem and your style and theme of the poems.

Tip: Try to make all your poems based on one subject, for example, flowers. It helps establish a theme and makes it overall easier to create your poems.

Poem Anthology Project Begin Drafting!

We were all able to start our project. However, it was advised to finish your word pool before you drafted. Your word pool will usually be the foundation of your poem. 

Here are some elements you should consider putting in your poems: 


Today In English class we learned how to write a Poem Anthology Project and we also did our own research about poems, specifically the different types of poems. I learned it so I could have a better understanding for our Poem Anthology Project. We needed to research the different types of poems so that we could follow the project rules that stated to use three different types of poems. While researching I learned about types of poems that could help me in the future to better understand poems, and the purpose of them. I could apply what I learned to analyze poems and annotate them. I could also incorporate certain parts into my own poem such as the type of figurative language they use.

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