Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Blogger #6 Villton Chen Period 2 9/27/2021

 Aim: How does a writer create effects through the connotations of words and images? 

Do now: Class discussion 

Describe an event in your life that at first seemed like fun, yet after the incident concluded you were ashamed or disappointed with yourself. 

Why do you believe you felt that way? 

Nathan started off the class discussing. Nathan shared a time where while he and his sister were having fun at a bouncy house, Nathan accidently dislocated his sister’s arm. I recognized that most of the responses were when the student was young. When people are young they don’t realize the reality of the situation.  

After the class discussion we played kahoot about the short story “Marigolds” we were supposed to read for homework. 

After playing Kahoot it was time for a team collaboration assignment in which as a group we work on answering a few questions about the story “Marigolds”. 

There was a term introduced on one of the questions during the team collaboration 

After Team Collaboration there was an individual activity to do which we didn’t get to. 

I learned a new literary term juxtaposition which I have never heard before. Learning what juxtaposition helps you identify somethings that the narrator wants you to know the difference of. I can use understanding juxtaposition in order to better my writing. I could use juxtaposition when comparing things I would want the reader to know the difference of.

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