Monday, September 27, 2021

Blogger #7 - Katherine Chow - Period 2 - 09/27/21

 Blogger #7 - Katherine Chow - Period 2 - 09/27/21

Aim: How does a writer create effects through the connotations of words and images?


Do Now : Describe an event in your life that at first seemed like fun, yet after the incident concluded you were ashamed or disappointed with yourself.  

Why do you believe you felt that way?

To answer this question, I wrote about a time I was particularly indifferent towards a younger cousin of mine a few years ago. The shame and regret I felt was very clear at that moment and the reason as to why I felt that way would be similar to a lot of people’s answers. Because I was a capricious and confused child.

My classmates also shared some answers. Many of the volunteered responses included their family members. Most notably, their siblings or cousins. A constant theme in the experiences shared today in class involve rash decisions and at the time, current indifference towards the consequences of their actions. 


After the Do Now, the class played a Kahoot game about the short story, Marigolds, by Eugenia Collier. 

There were a total of 15 questions

Students participated in this game to test their knowledge on the short story they had read. 


This portion of class included the class working together with their partners/teams to solve 6 questions about the Marigolds story. Before we got to work, however, the teacher began by explaining the importance of rephrasing the question. Rephrasing questions is essential to future tests like the regents and also school projects and assessments. 

Afterwards, we split up into teams to solve the questions assigned : 

  1. In Paragraph 22, why are the marigolds so important to Miss Lottie, and why do the children hate them?  a. What stands out about the imagery in paragraphs 22 and 27?

  2. Describe the internal conflict occurring for the narrator, Lizabeth. Find “textual evidence” to support your statement.

  3. Lizabeth overhears her parents’ conversation. How does it make her feel? What is the consequence of her hearing this conversation?

  4. What can you infer from the text as to Lizabeth’s reasons for her final act of destruction?

  5.  Paragraphs 57 & 60 are especially rich in Juxtaposition. Juxtaposition: (pronounced juhk-stuh-puh--zish--uh-n) is the placement of two or more things side by side, often in order to bring out their differences. Imagine a man walking a well-groomed dog on a pink leash on one hand and a rough Rottweiler on a spiked collar on the other hand. The juxtaposition could be shocking, humorous, or just plain strange. Regardless, this literary term calls attention to two distinctly different things by placing them right beside one another, or juxtaposing them. Examine the diction and imagery and show your understanding of juxtaposition by identifying two images or words set up for comparison.

  6. Consider the last sentence of the story… “And I too have planted marigolds.” ...and make inferences about whether the narrator is speaking literally, figuratively, or both.

The class worked till the end of class finishing up the questions. However, the lesson was changed to be due at 10 PM 9/27/21 so students could finish all the questions. 


Directions : 

Brainstorm here! Try to describe the narrator’s voice.

➢  Think of ways to explain how the writer’s diction and imagery create this voice.

➢ You might also mention other literary elements, such as juxtaposition, that contribute to the narrator’s voice or point of view.

Students were to work independently for this portion of the lesson. This was also a task to be done by students by 10 PM 9/27/21. 


In this lesson, we learned how to analyze a text and the effects of connotations of words and images. Additionally, we were tested on the Marigolds story which reminded me of the warm up done today. The topic in the warm up connected to an event which happened in the Marigolds story. We also learned how to identify specific instances in a text and create an analysis. Therefore, illustrating our thoughts and ideas through text. 

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