Thursday, March 12, 2020

Blog #16- Michelle Lu- Period 2- 3/12/20

Aim: How can a comparison of speeches reflect the continued relevance of ideas held in society today?

Today, we spend the majority of the class period to finish the “What’s in a Name” and the “I Have a Dream Materials” assignment. During the last fifteen minutes of class, we went over those assignments. 

Assignment 1: “What’s In a Name”


  • Proletariat - Workers or working-class people, regarded collectively (often used with reference to Marxism).

  • Represented in “Animal Farm” by the character Boxer.

  • Bourgeoisie - The middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.

  • Represented in “Animal Farm” by the character Molly.

Assignment 2: “I Have a Dream/Political Speeches”


“I Have A Dream” Speech

  • Martin Luther King Jr. believed that white people are the ones benefiting under the current conditions. At this time, they were living in a racist nation where segregation took place, and the whites believed that they are “better” than the colored people. 

  • According to Martin Luther King Jr., Black Americans are suffering under the current conditions. 

  • Martin Luther King Jr. believed that better conditions meant equality for all, not just the whites. He hopes that one day, his children will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

  • Martin Luther King Jr. suggests that through peaceful protest could they achieve fairer conditions. He believes that by doing it in a non-violent fashion, they would be taken as more serious and appeal to more people. 

Old Major’s Speech

  • Old Major believed that humans are the ones benefiting under the current condition. The humans are getting everything they want, while the animals gain nothing.

  • According to Old Major, the animals on the farm were suffering under the current conditions. He started to give them harsh doses of reality, saying that after they serve their purposes for the humans, their only fate was to be killed.

  • Old Major believed that under better conditions, the animals will run the farm as equals. 

  • For Old Major, rebellions must occur in order to achieve fairer conditions.

Ethos - The ethical appeal. To convince an audience of the author's credibility or character.

Pathos - The emotional appeal. To persuade an audience by appealing to their emotions.

Logos - The appeal to logic. To convince an audience by use of logic or reason.


Today is a catch-up day. I learned how a name in stories could contain so many hidden messages and clues about that one character. I also learned how similar Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech and Old Major’s speech are. For example, they both want to bring equality and justice to their group of people. This goes on to show how much a book could correlate to real life. I learned it because there is a deeper meaning for everything in life, and it shows how books could literally have an indirect impact on our world. It teaches me to look harder and not to be so focused on the obvious. It will help me to better understand the hidden meanings and themes. Moving on, for every story I read, I will try to think outside the box and figure out how it relates to our surroundings and environment.

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