Monday, March 9, 2020

Blog #13- Christina Jayarajah- 3/6/2020- Period 2

March 6th, 2020
Christina Jayarajah
Period 2

Aim: How can we analyze the importance of names, while symbolically analyzing the characters of the novel?

Do Now: Why do you believe we devote (give) so much time and place so much importance.emphasis on the names we create for people/children?

Why do you believe author’s take so much time and care in naming their characters in their works of literature?

Student Responses:
We put a lot of time and effort into naming our kids because most of them have significant importance 
Authors take a lot of time to name their characters because it determines their character traits and it gives them a stereotype

Literary Terms Recap:
Allegory(N) - a literary, dramatic pictorial device in which each literal character, object, event represents symbols illustrating/showing an idea, moral or religious principle; a parable, fable, story.
Characterization(N) - is used to discuss: physical traits, personalities, what someone says about a character, what they say or feel about themselves. (Direct/Indirect)
Personification(N) - giving human like personalities/characteristics to inanimate objects 

What Was Done In Class:
Read "The Baby Name Business" - Wall Street Journal Article
As time progresses parents find that it’s getting increasingly difficult to choose a name for upcoming children because of reasons such as:
the sound of the name and the way it flows
wanting the name to associate with good people
wanting their name to stand out for opportunities and give their children a head start
We answered questions such as :
1. Creating a unified summary of the main ideas found within the article
2. Identifying 5 ways in which choosing a name is important and explaining why
3. What the possible ramifications in choosing a wrong name would be
4. How does it correlate to the novel, ​AnimalFarm​ (specifically, chapter 1)?

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