Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Blog #50- Carol Lian- Period 2- 6/3/20

Aim: How is connotation, denotation, and paradox explicated through Orwell's “doublethink”?

From my class’ online English lesson (on June 2nd, 2020), we started with a Do Now where we analyze photos and record how to feel about them. We concluded that we can associate an image based on their appearance alone. 

For example, the image of a purple butterfly can be associated with beauty, grace, colorful, and possibly delicate. A moth, on the other hand, can be associated with disgust, insect, bug, displeasure, or annoyance.

The image of the blue car depicts luxury, expensive, and comfort, The white car, on the other hand, can be depicted as used, old, or outdated. 

The image of the mansion depicts comfort, luxury, security, and possibly happiness. The rundown house, on the other hand, depicts a feeling of absolutely no security, ancient, abandoned, and discomfort. 

Paradox Ex: Sarath’s Certain Death Riddle

Second Aim: How can we analyze the symbolism in Winston Smith’s name?

Part of Winston Churchill's Speech:

For this aim, we analyzed the symbolism of the names “Winston” and “Smith”.

Winston → Winston Churchill 

  • British man

  • Prime minister during WWII

  • Bad Smoking habit - lived until 1996

  • Drinks + Smoke

  • Hope of Britain - giving speeches

  • Considered a rebel

The name “Smith” on the other hand:

  • Common last name 

From this information, we concluded that Orwell used the name Winston Smith to show that a person who is unique on the inside can be a normal person on the outside. Taking actions is an ability every individual is capable of. Orwell wanted the character to be seen as a normal person on the outside, hence he used the common last name Smith. However, to show that the character is different, he used the name Winston.

For the Class Discussion, the main question was “Do you believe that George Orwell would think we were crazy or just wasting a great deal of time focusing on this topic?” My class believed that George Orwell was possibly crazy for focusing on the topic of “doublethink” but at the same time, it might’ve been his intention to focus on this topic as he constantly refers back to it. We also mentioned how he writes from the point of view of a highschool teacher and repeats the same theme of how manipulative and powerful language can be by manipulating the truth. One example of this theme can be shown by propaganda and the news. Ms. Peterson mentioned that the people being interviewed on the news during her childhood had absolutely no preparation, while during present time, the interviewee and interviewer rehearse the lines they want to say live on the news which gives them full control of what information becomes public. 

Reflection: Overall, for this lesson, I mainly learned about the use of connotation, denotation, and paradox in the novel 1984 and how Orwell depicts his character’s traits just by name alone. Language is a way of communication whether it’s verbally, physically, or digitally. Language itself is a tool that when used correctly, can be very powerful. This is shown in Orwell’s writing by his protagonist Winston Smith and in both lessons.

What is it like working from home?

Working at home hasn’t always been a smooth ride but it can be very similar to a school environment, at least from my point of view. Of course, there are some technical difficulties that can interfere with classwork such as wifi connections, and the device itself not cooperating but it doesn’t really bother me that much nor can I do much to help. Overall, working at home has been quite the experience. It was hard to adapt to at first but once you get the hang of it, it’s quite simple. 

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.

I would love to say no comment but there is absolutely no chance of ignoring the huge riot in Manhattan. I would be lying if I said I am unaware of what is going on but I can’t say I know the full story (I am very behind when it comes to news). I haven’t looked into the protest in Manhattan that much but from my point of view, it’s a mess. A big mess to have my phone blowing up about the curfew. Personally, I have no opinion about this protest. Mainly because I have absolutely no idea of what is going on so I prefer to remain neutral until given enough information to pick a side. However, I have to point out that this protest may or may not be one of the main contributors to the second wave of the coronavirus. Overall, I can’t stop the protest, nor do I want to join so my feelings towards the protest is neutral.

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