Saturday, June 13, 2020

Blog #51 - Annie Liang - Peroid 7 - 6/13/2020

Blog #51
Annie Liang
Pd. 7
Aim: How are the readers of 1984 warned about the power of manipulation?

Do Now: Think-Pair-Share:
Winston thinks, “They could not alter your feelings; for that matter, you could not alter them yourself, even if you wanted to.” Think about and discuss the nature of feelings and emotions.  

1. Can you alter your feelings by force or will? Why or why not?

I don’t believe that you can truly alter your feelings by force or will. Our feelings are part of human nature and are a reflection of our experiences and personality. The class had varying opinions on this matter. Anthony related altering one’s feelings to changing one’s beliefs as people can change their beliefs and opinions over time. Caroline added that it was plausible, however, would be difficult. Stella countered this by giving the example of being sad because one can’t simply change being sad even if they wanted to. Harmeet expanded on this saying how one’s feelings has to run its course, although you can try to conceal it.

2. Can someone else alter another person’s innermost feelings?

Similar to my previous answer, I don’t feel like it is possible to truly alter another person’s innermost feelings, although it is possible to sway and influence their feelings. In my opinion, it varies based on a variety of factors including the trust between two people and the persuasiveness of said influencer. Udantha took a similar approach from Anthony as he explained that it was possible to convince someone to change their view for a person’s benefit. Ms. Peterson added on how people can influence their feelings or provide a distraction to them.

Team Work: Considered all that has transpired in the novel thus far. With your team, create “3” questions, and be prepared to share them with the other teams. The goal is to see if the teams can answer the questions you team created. My questions included:
  • How is the rest of the world functioning apart from Oceania
  • How does the government force people to confess to crimes they probably didn’t commit?
  • How are people selected for jobs?
Class Questions/Discussion:
  • Why does Julia not care about the rebellion?
A big factor that our class agreed on was their distinct age gap as they were a 13 year age gap. Julia is more naive and doesn’t believe in widespread rebellion like Winston does. Instead, she believes in the little acts of rebellion such as sexual acts to deviate from Big Brother’s teachings.

  • How important is doublethink to the success of the Party?
It’s extremely important to their success as their three key phrases are examples of doublethink and give a good example of the power of manipulation.

Ms. Peterson’s Question: The novel has “ThoughtCrimes.” How does the Thought Police know what you’re thinking? Is it only a scare-tactic? OR Do the Thought Police truly know what it’s citizens are thinking?

I think the Thought Police use fear very effectively. It is highly unlikely that the Thought Police know what you’re thinking, instead, they anxiety and panic to discern any flash of hesitation. Actions that look suspicious can be noticed by the Thought Police and indicates that you might have something to hide.

Group Work:
1. Evaluate the characters of Julia and Winston.
2. Record characteristics unique to each, then record characteristics that are shared.
3. How is the author warning the readers about manipulation through the characters?

 Julia Both Winston
 26 years old Free thinkers 39 years old
 Young and Naive Lustful Married
 Survivor Drive to disobey
party/Big Brother
 Leader-type role
 Doesn’t believe in the
revolution (realistic)
 Find comfort in each other Whole-hearteldy believes the revolution could succeed
 Good actress  Intellectual
 Happy-go-lucky/Carefree  Imaginative/Radical
 Promiscuous  More responsible

Orwell warns the readers about manipulation thorough the characters with dialogue such as Winston asking Julia about the war and her education. Julia can’t recall who Oceania was at war with. She was taught that the party invented airplanes. The party’s systemic process of brainwashing children from a young age aid in how well they succeeded in their widespread hold over the nation.

Quick Write:
Record what you did last Friday morning.
Last Friday morning was just like any days’. I woke up at 7:00 because I had English class at 9:00. Nothing out of the ordinary happened as I did my everyday routine of bushing my teeth, washing my face, and eating breakfast. All the days tend to blend together since I stay home all day.
Majority of my class struggled to recall what happened as we’ve experienced the same monotonous routine over and over again as we quarantine at home. Since there isn’t much variance in our days, everything has blended together and it’s hard to keep track of what day it is.

Whole Class Discussion:

1. Why was there such difficulty recording what happened?
Majority of the class agreed that it was due to the hectic schedule of testing and homework. So we tend to drift to an easy and repetitive routine that doesn’t require much thought. 

2. Why is it so easy to forget what transpired, even though only a couple of days had passed?
The human memory can be quite faulty at times as we mentioned in a previous lesson. It’s difficult to truly remember things whether it be a major event or an everyday chore.

3. How can forgetting leave people vulnerable?
Forgetting memories leave people extremely vulnerable to outside influences regardless of their intentions. Our memories are unique to each of us as they are seen from our perspective. Although other people may have been involved, they saw it through a different set of eyes and can interpret the memories differently.

Student Reflection:
What did I learn?I learned how powerful manipulation could truly be, especially to the weak and vulnerable. The human mind can be molded in many different ways and our memories can’t be reliable all the time. The people of Oceania were taught to follow the text in their schoolbooks and wholeheartedly believe the teachings of Big Brother. Regardless of your social stance in society, the same message was taught across the nation—obey the party because Big Brother is watching.
Why did I learn it?I learnt this because manipulation is the core of the party’s success. It is the foundation of which this book is made out of. People have essentially become a slave to the party’s teachings without a single question about their ideas. They’ve used this tool so effectively to snuff out any opposition against them, including the Brotherhood. Orwell wants the readers to understand the danger of mindless following and to not take things at face value.
How will I use what I learn?I will use what I learned to process information in a more effective manner. Manipulation exists everywhere in our media and to be able to question the information given to me as well as evaluate it in my own terms. There will always be people that try to bend and shape my memories and beliefs to their will, being able to recognize that is an important step to thinking for myself.
Blog Content:
Write about your thoughts regarding the reading.
Part 2: Chapters 4 and 5 were very interesting to read as their relationship developed with their increase in time spent together. As a reader, I truly get to see how different their world seems to be as Julia appears to be a good, straight-laced girl, while Winston is desperately seeking a way out of Oceania and the party. Their age difference draws a sharp contrast between how they rebel against the party as one dreams big, while the other doesn’t believe in such dreams. In addition, their relationship includes affection, yet I can’t help but think that they’re truly just using each other. A big question left unanswered is how they compromise on their ideals or do they split because they can’t compromise?
What is it like working from home?Working from home is a welcome experience for me as I truly enjoy the extra freedom. My days are left with much less stress because of the schedule changes. Not to mention, the ability to focus on three subjects a day lets me learn at a slower pace and actually understand my lessons. At school, I rushed through most of it in an effort to pass the exam that’s always coming at the end of the chapter. It is a bit of a struggle self-disciplining myself to make sure my assignments are done on time, but overall the experience has been a pleasant surprise for me.
What are you learning about your world/ community based on the reactions?The media has been in a frenzy constantly reporting on the pandemic and the protests. Fortunately, numbers are going down in New York City and places are slowly opening again. I hope that people are still cautious as doctors are predicting a second wave in the fall. The Black Lives Movement has rallied many people together. It’s truly inspiring how people of all different walks of life are standing up to police brutality and making a difference.

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