Thursday, September 26, 2019

Blog #9

Gordon Liang | Period 1
September 25, 2019

The Road Film Continued
Today we watch the third and last part of The Road.

We continued from the dinner scene with the old man. The old man leaves them and the man and boy continue on with their journey to the sea. As they go into the woods, they found blood-stained snow and suddenly a group of cannibals is seen chasing after a woman and child. The man and boy escapes the scene and an earthquake instigates the trees to fall around the man and boy. This scene was not seen in the book but it illustrates the danger and desperation of the current world. They find rest in a rundown church. The man wakes up coughing up blood. 

The man and boy continue their journey and finally reached the beach, all trashed. The movie continues to follow the book - the man swimming to the ship, the thief who was forced to undress, the man being shot by an arrow. A major difference seen in the movie was when the boy finds a living beetle on a can. The boy and man stares at it in awe as it flies away. The beetle may symbolize hope for the future.

The man and boy returns to the ocean. Unable to carry the wagon anymore, they both make camp on the beach. There, we see the man’s flashback of his wife. Knowing he will die soon, the man tells the boy to keep going south and find the good guys. The boy wants to die with him, but the man tells him he needs to go on. Unlike the film, in the book the man dies at the woods instead of the coast.

Days later, a stranger approaches the boy. The boy points the gun at him, but the stranger tells the boy to join him and that he is carrying the fire. The film ends with the boy giving one last look at his father and following the man along with a woman, two kids, and a dog. The woman explains that she has been following the man and boy for a while. This may explain who the boy in the man’s old neighborhood and dog that the boy saw earlier were, which was never explained in the book.

There were scenes from the books not seen in the movie such as the house with clean water and the charred baby. Overall, I think the movie did a good job portraying the gloominess and remoteness dark post-apocalyptic world. Additionally, the gray colors in the films was a great visual in the film further portraying the bleakness of the world. Some of the man’s good dreams, more colorful, were a big contrast to the post-apocalyptic world. The movie gives us a picture of how the boy and man struggles to survive through danger and starvation.

Thief who stole wagon from the man and boy
Stranger who tells the boy to join him

Woman who says that she’s been following him and his father

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