Serena Low Blog Entry #10
Aim: How can we create and define the value of ancient mythology in contemporary value?
Do Now: Read the story of Daedalus and Icarus (pgs 193-195). What lessons are being clearly elucidated by this story?
In the story, Daedalus warns his son to fly in the middle, not too close to the sun and not too close to the ocean. This can represent how one should not be too greedy when reaching for their goals (hubris). Some people are too ambitious and try to hasten the process of obtaining their goals. This would lead to their downfall because they don’t pay attention to detail nor are they cautious. Another lesson taken from the story is that children and young adults should listen to the warnings given by their seniors. This is because seniors have more experience than their younger counterparts, meaning that they have more wisdom when dealing with certain situations. In the story, Daedalus warns Icarus to fly in the middle because he knows that the wings would melt if they were too close to the sun and would conk out if they were too close to the ocean. Unfortunately, Icarus does not listen to his father and his wings give out. He is swallowed by the ocean, something that could’ve been avoided if he had listened to his father.
In class, Anling stated that an additional lesson would be to not let power get to your head. Icarus had fake wings representing fake power. He felt invincible and free. This would lead to his demise as he put too much faith in his fake power and it fell through. Ms. Peterson summarized that you should be humble and take advice when it’s given. Be balanced, focused, and take your time to get to your goal. There is no need to rush things.
Write now on Google Classroom: Express what is happening in this painting. (Landscape with the Fall of Icarus)
In the lower right hand corner of the painting, there is a person drowning with their feet in the air and upper body submerged under the water. While there is a person drowning, everyone else in the picture is carrying on with their tasks: the man closest to the viewer is focusing on plowing his field, the man a little farther behind is distracted by something in the sky, but is still herding his sheep, and even the fisherman closest to the drowning man is minding his own business, not lifting a finger to help him. The only hint at Icarus and Daedalus having an impact is that the shepherd looks up at the sky and might have noticed two objects flying in the air when they are not supposed to.
The meaning behind this painting is that you don’t really matter. You are insignificant and the world will carry on without you. When you die, you’re gone. No one will care.
From such a short story, so many hidden messages can be found, messages that can be put to use in daily. Lessons to be taken into account are that one should not be greedy and hasty but should be balanced and focused. One should listen to others’ advice rather than being ignorant.

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