Friday, June 5, 2020

Blog #43 - Ryan Desnick - Period 7 - 5/29/2020

Ryan Desnick
Friday, May 29th
Ms. Peterson, Period 7
Blog #43
Sophomores 2020

- Working from home is certainly a unique experience, coming with many challenges and advantages over working in a classroom environment. One big advantage to working from home is flexibility and the ability to work on my own time and my own terms. This lets me pick when I want to work, as to maximize my productivity and effectiveness with my projects. However, this also comes with the added negative that it become incredibly easy to procrastinate. The total freedom to work whenever I feel like makes it easy to push off work until the last minute, and so many nights I will find myself doing all the work that I did not do during the week. Overall, working from home is its own beast compared to in school work, with many unique opportunities and challenges.

- With recent national attention towards racial issues, the news about the coronavirus has taken a backseat the past few days. However, there have been a few important developments about coronavirus in recent days and weeks. New York City is supposed to enter Phase 1 of its reopening on June 8th, which will be an important stepping stone in the eventual reopening of all of the city and the economy as a whole. However, social distancing is still in effect and being enforced, and so we should all still maintain 6 feet boundaries and wear masks when going outside. 

- My own personal feelings about the virus have been a roller coaster throughout all of 2020, however right now I am feeling the most hopeful that I have felt since January or February. With reopening on the horizon and the lessening of severity of the virus in New York, I am feeling hopeful that I will be able to at least somewhat enjoy my summer. Even though I will not be able to work as a lifeguard as I was planning, most likely I will still find a summer job, and I am excited to make some pocket money. Overall, even if a second wave is in the future for us, I am looking up and feeling good about the future.

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