Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Blog #6- David Chen- Period 3- 02/12/2020

Blog #6
David Chen
February 12, 2020
Period 3

Aim: How does characterization contribute to the development of the theme of JUSTICE?

Do Now: Think/Pair/Share
How can we define “justice”? How do we know when “justice” has occurred?
  • Justice can be defined as a just behavior or treatment. We know that justice has occurred when people help others that are in need. One example can be criminals. If they are guilty, justice shall be served and they should be punished.

  • People get what they deserve in the end; poetic justice
  • False Equivalence - when you set up two opposing sides as equal weights, however, they aren’t
  • Propaganda is mainly spread across the internet. 
  • People don’t do fact checks and just believe what they see
  • How to Avoid False Equivalence: 1. Be skeptical.      2. Check your sources. 3. Check your own biases

Today we learned about justice and how it’s portrayed throughout society by different people. We also discussed how there is a lot of propaganda that’s spread, yet people do not even notice only based on a company's reputation or credibility. The reason for learning this is so that people can think twice about believing news and/or rumors. This skill can be applied to many news outlets and posts throughout the internet. This will even apply in real life.

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