Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Blog #19 - Ross Neyman - Period 3 - 06/16/2020
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Blog #65 - Maya Zhorov - Period 1 - 6/13/2020
Blog #44: James Gian: Period 7: 6/14/20
June 14th, 2020 James Gian, Period 7
Aim 1: How is connotation, denotation, and paradox explicated through
Orwell’s “doublethink”?
Do Now: Analyze the images below. Record the feelings you have/associate/identify with each of the “6” images.
Discussion: First, the class had to discuss the difference between connotation and denotation. Connotation is the various social overtunes, cultural implications, or emotional meanings associated with an object. Denotation is the explicit or referential meaning of an object. Then, after the Do Now, we discussed Paradoxes. Paradoxes are statements that appear to be self-contradictory or silly, but may include a latent truth. We went over a few such as War is Peace in 1984, and Fair is foul and foul and fair in Macbeth. Then, we went over a paradox called Sara’s Certain Death Riddle. It is a paradox where two guards guard two doors, where one door leads to certain death and the other doesn’t, and one guard will lie and one guard will tell the truth. Sarah then proceeds to ask a series of yes or no questions to figure out which door is the correct one.
Individual Activity: We had to make a fictional advertisement for The Oceania Times.
Class Discussion: Consider all of the emphasis we have been placing on “Doublethink.” Do you believe that George Orwell would think we were crazy or just wasting a great deal of time focusing on this topic? Why/Why Not?
Discussion: We discussed this question, and some of us thought that the emphasis we have been placing on Doublethink is justified due to the lack of truth in the media, and the fact that to get accurate knowledge on a topic, it is best to look it up yourself and get your own facts.
Aim 2: How can we analyze the symbolism in Winston Smith's name?
Turn and Talk: Winston Churchill and Winston Smith compare by having the same first name, and they both spoke out against forms of government they did not like, with Churchill speaking out against Communism and Smith against Big Brother.
Group Work: 1) We discussed that Orwell combined Winston and Smith together, because Winston referencing Winston Churchill, and Smith being a very common name, showing that the common man can become a Winston and rise up to the occasion. 2) We discussed that his message to the reader is that the common man can become a Winston and rise up to the occasion.
Blog #60 - Rachael Zeng - Period 1 -6/13/20
Blog #49 - Guang Li - Period 7 - 6/8/2020
Blog #41 - Jason Cheung - Period 7 - 5/27/2020
Blog #52 - Samantha Mekhael - Period 9 - 6/13/2020
Blog #47- Christina Jayarajah- Period 2- 5/29/20
Aim: How is the theme, “”the importance of having knowledge about the past in order to understand the future,” exemplified/elucidated through Winston’s time in the Prole District?”
Do Now:
What are some of the “lies/stories” parents tell their children?
We discussed that some lies/stories parents tell their children as Santa and the Tooth Fairy. I personally had some stories my parents told my siblings and I when we were growing up that if you stepped on a book you wouldn’t be able to study properly.
Why do you believe they tell these stories, rather than the truth?
We discussed how many of these lies are told for discipline and happiness. Things such as Santa Claus brings good behavior because children know they will get rewarded for it.
What might be a history “lie/story” a school has taught/told you?
A lie school taught us in history was the first Thanksgiving. We were taught that the Native Americans and the Europeans gathered in peace together but that is not the case as discussed later class.
The First Thanksgiving
As children we were told that the meeting of the Pilgrims and Native Americans were very peaceful. We were taught that both parties came in harmony and shared food together. The real story on the other hand, was very gruesome. The pilgrims caused a major plague that killed out many of the native tribes. They would repeat this at multiple sites and some settlers would cannibalize the native people.
How is history manipulated in this story?
In the school version of the first Thanksgiving we are taught to glorify holidays such as Thanksgiving, when in reality Thanksgiving was really a gruesome holiday and should not be a reason to celebrate.
Group Discussion
“In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it.”
Analyze Winston’s statement above. How do you explain his example? What are your thoughts on the matter?
Winston’s statement is an excellent example of manipulation the Party has already infused in. Since we know that 2 +2 = 4 is a hard true fact, the Party being able to manipulate facts that we’ve learned from the very beginning shows the dangerous influence people can have when they change the basis of knowledge. When less than 2% is able to control everything, even basic facts that can’t be proven wrong, the results could be very terrifying.
What do you think the author’s intention or purpose is for the reader to have as a takeaway about the world you/we live in?
Orwell’s tale is to warn us about the government and question the power the government has over us. In Orwell’s time, dictatorships, such as the facist government in Nazi Germany had their methods that they used to cause a breach in information getting to the common people. The Party, in my opinion the Party is a more intense recreation of these historical governments. By showing us the harshest parts of Oceania, Orwell may have wanted to show that having information like this would get the threat of execution.
Group Work
Winston is clearly on a quest for the truth from the past. He states, “If there’s hope, it lies in the proles” (Winston, pg. 69). Work together to assess if Winston is correct. Consider the different age groups.
The proles are the largest part of society, which means that their strength is not in their brains but their numbers. To add on, the Party is not close with the proles, because of both their numbers and the discrimination they have against the proles. If both groups worked together twitch the information they got from the elderly, the proles are Winston’s biggest hope in finding out what the Party is hiding without getting caught.
If he is/isn’t explain how things would unfold for success or failure to occur. Consider the government’s role in all of this as well.
If Winston wanted to succeed, he would have to be careful to find proles who want the same thing as he does. For example, Winston should go towards the elderly for help since they knew the truth before the Party. If he asked the youth for help he might not be getting the help he wanted because they might’ve been brainwashed already.
Are there specific actions or events that need to occur to guarantee success/failure? If so, what?
Even though no certain specific actions should occur, it would help Winston could lower his presence with the Party. As a part of the Outer Party, Winston is being watched constantly, and because of his ability to think freely, the Party will most likely consider him a threat. Especially if he starts acting suspiciously.
Whole Class Discussion
What do you make of Winston (unconsciously) finding himself back at the very junk shop where he bought the diary?
By unconsciously going back to the junk shop, Winston has accepted the fact that he has a desire for rebellion. This also represents Winston going back to his roots and going back to the place that ignited his rebellious phase. Even after spending his time in a “normal” neighborhood, it shows his fate that he will always go back to rebelling.
Why does he appear to be so drawn to the paperweight?
Because the fragile coral is wrapped in a glass barrier, it gives a sense of safety to Winston.
What are your opinions of the room, which has no telescreen?
I believe that the fact that the room has telescreen just gives Winston a sense of safety because ironically, his safest spot right now is the old junk shop. It also gives us some foreshadowing that Winston might find a loophole in the Party’s all-seeing government.
Why do you suppose he decides he will continue to return to the shop, despite the risks? Foreshadowing?
Winston is acknowledging that he has rebelled against the Party, and desires to know the truth. Even though he works in the Ministry of Truth he realizes that the truth is not what is given to him and will give himself over to the risk, leaving the Party values.
In this lesson we learned about how the government can change our views and opinions by censoring what we are exposed to. This was shown in 1984, because Winston is finding out that there are slight loopholes from the government and how censorship can change the views on even basic knowledge. We learned and discussed this to help us see that the government can hide whatever they want and change even basic standards. Everyone can use this lesson because this same thing is happening right now during the Black Lives Matter movement. For instance we see Trump being exposed for unspeakable things yet hid that side of him from us. The rest of the country - which I believe to be most like the proles - is fighting to expose the government and get the truth out.
Blog Content:
What is it like working from home?
I genuinely like working from home because I do most of the lessons on my own time and I can do it as fast or as slow as I would like. I also work best with music playing in the background and in school I wouldn’t be able to use earbuds but while I do my work, I play very soft music and it keeps me on task. One thing I do miss is the fact that I can’t work on things with my friends together. I do miss sharing cereal or small snacks with my friends while we work together in person.
What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
One thing I have noticed is the fact that many people seem to think that the weather getting better is an indicator that the virus is gone, when in fact it’s not ! I genuinely feel as if people are forgetting what social distancing is and forgetting that they need to stay safe during this time. I won’t deny that I do go outside for walks with my family in the afternoon so we get some fresh air, but we do cover our mouths and noses with masks and are careful to walk in areas that aren’t crowded. I just wish that if people are going to see others, they wear masks and are careful in the activities they choose.
Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
Not only are we living through a global pandemic, but we are also living through a civil rights movement. I do believe that the Black Lives Matter movement was well overdue and that we needed this in our country. The deaths of innocent black lives and the fact that the murders get away without conviction is absolutely disgusting to me. I personally cannot go to any protests, but I have signed as many petitions as I possibly could and have done as much as I can to educate others on the issues. Lots of people think that 2020 was a year that should be erased, but I think that this year opened all of our eyes to how much we took for granted and all the problems in the government. Trump has been getting exposed for all the unspeakable things he has done, which I believe was rightfully done, and he should be called out, and punished properly.
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