Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Blog #26

Blog #26
Gordon Liang | Period 1                               
November 19, 2019

Today we presented our projects for the Mythology Creation Project.

First to present is Team Ares.
They presented Taoism/Daoism using an illustrated piece and slides presentation.

Image result for yin yang
Yin and Yang


- originated in China around 4th or 3rd century BCE
- attributed to Lao Tzu
- official religion under Tang Dynasty
- Daoism is a complete philosophy of life reaching into religion, social actions, health

Yin Yang Symbol

- Yin = dark and shadows
- Yang = light, passion, growth

Major Gods

Three Pure Ones

- Three Pure Ones are highest gods in Taoist religion
- Tao produced one, one produced two, two produced three, and three produced all things

Eight Immortals

Eight Immortals

- They have the ability to transform into different creatures and objects, 
- controls people, animals, and objects through control of qi

How the Universe Came

- Similar to the Greek creation story, everything started with chaos, but the Chinese
further compared it to an egg
- Pan Gu was the first man to come from chaos (an egg) with two horns, two tusks, and a hairy body.

Important Concepts

- simplicity, patience, and compassion
- talks about daily problems mankind faces
- "when nothing is done,  nothing is left undone"


Next to present is Team Zeus
They presented Hinduism using a sculpture of a god and a slides presentation

Team Zeus’ Creation


- oldest religion, 4000+ years old
- no consistent structure- Vedas, Brahmans, Puranas
- nothing is fixed
- dharma- code of living that emphasizes morality
- henotheistic- worship single deity but recognizes other gods and goddess


- believed in periodic cycles of creation
- Hindu Trinity- creation and destruction of the world
- Brahma: creator, Shiva: destroyer, Vishnu: sustainer
- Lotus Creation Story: lotus sprouted from Vishnu navel with Brahma seated in it
- Cosmic Egg Story: Brahman created seeds that transforms into golden egg which Brahma sprang


Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva
- Brahma
       - 4 heads recites four Vedas: rosary( meditation), Veda books (knowledge),
holy water (origins of the universe), lotus lower (nature and fertility of life)
- Vishnu
      - goal is to preserve and protect the universe
      - keep balance of good and evil
      - 4 arms holds conch (sound of creation), discus (mind), lotus (existence and freedom),
mace (physical and mental strength)
- Shiva 
      - goals was to destroy the world
      - 3 eyes third represents wisdom and insight
      - cobra necklace: power over over of the most dangerous creature
master of dance.  Tandav dance: cosmic dance of death
- Ganesha- remover of obstacles and new beginning
- Rama- often called before before death
- Hanuman- strength and energy
- Krishna- divine music

VS Modern Day

- Big bang- one cycle of any and before Brahma nothing and darkness, infinite cycle and prayala
- Multiverse theory- universe is one of many
- Twin paradox- Purana


The two groups presented excellently today and their projects were very creative and engaging. I learned a lot about two religions: Taoism and Hinduism. It was very interesting to learn about different people’s perspective on how the world came to be and similarities to today’s theories on the creation of the world. Team Ares did well on explaining the concepts and background of Taoism and Team Zeus did well on comparing Hinduism beliefs to modern day. It was really notable to have this project showcasing other religions and cultures.

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